Thursday, February 6, 2025

Media Portfolio Schedule

Since we have started this project one thing I found that is very important was the planing and scheduling the days I'm are going to film. In the text below there will be a timeline of when im going to film and the research I have done and plan to do.

Basic Research-
Research two genre I want to implement into my project 
Research 3 film opening and explain them in the next blog
Research 3 film credit sequence and  form chosen genre and explain them

Coming up with story plot 
Making the scrip for the opening scenen
Being able to find the perfect sound/sound track
Find a location to film

Film scenes
some of the sound will be foley
Might but voice over of what the character it think during that game winning bucket


Put footage together
Include all the credits needed


Week 1
Research genre
Plan of my idea
Due blogs

Week 2
Finish Blogs
Finish Plans
Start Storyboard
Make film schedule

Week 3
Finish Storyboard
Make avablity for film days

Week 4 
Find Location to film
Start Filming

Week 5
look over Film day shot
See if needed to re film shots

Week 6 
Re film if needed
Start editing

Week 7 
Finish editing
Look over everything to make sure that everything is ok

This might not be the final schedule But it is the one Im Sticking to for now. If any change is needed to the schedule I will be blog about the change and why we change it.

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Media Portfolio Project CCR Question 1

 Research When Making my two minute opening scene, I wanted to flow certain film conventions while also adding my on twist. I also thought a...