Saturday, February 1, 2025

Media Portfolio Project Approach

  For the up coming weeks I will be bloging about my portfolio project. Our teacher gave us for our first tasks to write about the approach/ initial plans I have for the project.

Once I heard of the portfolio project I was excited and started brain story on what I wanted to do and how to attack just a big project. I also wanted to do something with sport. So when I started think on what to do I got some inspiration from the Apple TV show Swagger. I was planing to doing like a game winning point with some flashback shots of character training for that specific moment the a shot back to the present of him missing that game winning shot and him getting backlash of his not being able to stand up for his team when they need hi the most and him not being a good player. I was reasrching/watching the show learning on what type of shots to uses and what type of editing I need to use for this big idea. Once I get an Idea I will start my story board and go from there.

The second way I have decided to approach this project was first do some research on how film opening are layed out and how they are made. Ones I have a general idea of what I want to do I start creating a story and then make a story board. When creating the story I would start getting a picture of what type of shots that will help develop the story. Also when creating the story board I would also be working on creating the characters backgrounds. From there I will see what next to do.

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Media Portfolio Project CCR Question 1

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