Thursday, October 31, 2024

Genre Research Blog

Typical target audience for a genre like (Horror) can be dedicated fans who often engage with horror like huntedhouse, movies or specialzed communities. Genre convention are used to immerse the audience in the world of horror and create an intense experience. Institutional conventions are strategies used to create successful horror films. By connecting the viewer with the film.

 Genre: Horror

 Genre conventions-content survival, atmosphere, and charater type. This content is used to provoke strong emotional reactions from the audiences. Genre conventions – production techniques lighting, movement/camera angle, sound, and editing techniques. This production techniques can be used to help change the view emotions of the viewers. Most horror films are marketed by teaser trailers, viral trends marketing, posters,and collaboration with streaming services. This marketing techniques are mentent to create suspense to create a sense of mystery to engage with the viewers.

The movie "The Shining" embodies this genre through its focus on psychological and supernatural elements and mastering the unique filmmaking techniques.

The movie "Halloween" embodies the genre through it tension, atmosphere, and slasher elements. The director John Carpenter uses techniques in the film that had an impact making it a classic horror film.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Representation Blog

 The movie "Cars" creates various aspects of society, through its characters and storyline. By using these two major characters called Lightning McQueen and Mater shapes the viewers representations of communities and individual personalities.

Lightning McQueen is a person who's personality is all about his desire to win. In the media he stands as an individual whose whole life revolves on his achievement. This film uses a lot of thrilling camera angles during the race scenes. Similar to the "Stereotype" in the class notes, Lightning McQueen is just like a simplified character type whose whole life is based on the media and how it emphasizes certain traits like his success.

Mater a rusty and unassuming tow truck, who represents genuineness and community. However, Mate's changes during the movie. We went from a comedic figure to someone who deeply values loyalty and friendship. This shift was caused by other's because Mater was presented as being different from lightning McQueen but by the end we are showen that even someone from less mature background holds a bigger value.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project Blog

 During this assignment we learned how sound or music can be a bigger part of a flim or project then what people think. The objective of the project was to make a story about something you like by just using sounds. We approach this project by just think about different areas or activities that make alot of noise. During our brainstorming we talk about different ideas but we came up with a 2 min warning football game for a touchdown wins the game. How we outlined our help us understand what kind of sounds we needed to get. We sleped the different type of work we had to do so my partner was the one who edited and I got the work of doing the foley part. One thing that I was trying to get better in this project was the planning . One thing want to improve on is the execution of the project. I want it to be like the plan and not have the finish project look like the plan.

Project link FreitesRamos_soundscape_per4.mp4 

Media Portfolio Project CCR Question 1

 Research When Making my two minute opening scene, I wanted to flow certain film conventions while also adding my on twist. I also thought a...