Monday, September 30, 2024

OWF Blog

 Basic summary of direction- We were given a word and we had to make a 1-1:30 min video about that word without using any dialogue.

What we did during the brainstorm was first looking up the meaning of the word and understanding what it means and coming up with ideas. Ones we came up with an idea with started doing our storyboard. Will doing the storyboard we were able to get an idea of how our story was going to be like. The editing resource I used was Adobe Acrobat.

One thing I would like to improve and work on for next time would be the editing. I would like to improve on my editing because it was my first time editing and was a little lost will editing but got the hand of it.

OWF Project:

Media Portfolio Project CCR Question 1

 Research When Making my two minute opening scene, I wanted to flow certain film conventions while also adding my on twist. I also thought a...