Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera shots/angles Quiz Blog

 For this assignment were told to create 15 shots about something that we use in school. We had to use specific shots/angles to determined the tone of our story.

We and my classmate Mia decided to use a pencil and how the pencil life is during a school day.

One thing I could have done better was my planning. I think this because when we were giving our plan to our teacher she said we were focusing too much on the person that has the pencil, not the pencil itself. One thing I did good was the shots we were taking. One of my favorite shot was a close-up shot of the clock. This shot was used to show that it was time for lunch. One thing I wish I could have done again was the story because looking back at the story is not perfect but just ok.

Our Project ----file:///C:/Users/ramos/Downloads/Camera%20Shot%20quiz%20Mia%20Giannini,%20Matthew%20Ramos%20P.4.pdf

Media Portfolio Project CCR Question 1

 Research When Making my two minute opening scene, I wanted to flow certain film conventions while also adding my on twist. I also thought a...